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Mainstays Kitchen Storage 9.4-Ounce Clear Glass Lock Lid Jar with Silicone Gasket
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Mainstays Kitchen Storage 9.4-Ounce Clear Glass Lock Lid Jar with Silicone Gasket

Product ID: 474999721
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Prepare and preserve all your favorite foods with the help of our Mainstays Glass Lock Lid Jar. Featuring a glass build with metal hardware and a soft, flexible seal, this handy kitchen storage tool makes it easy to keep a wide variety of foods, seasonings, and spices fresh and easy to identify. Its durable metal locking hardware ensures a tight clamp is kept on the jar while the flexible seal allows the lid to perfectly squeeze against it and create an air-tight closing. The jar is designed to hold up to nine ounces of dry ingredients and its compact design means you can store it neatly inside your cabinet for later use. The Mainstays kitchen collection focuses on colorful and decorative design applied to simple basics, keeping your daily life vibrant and efficient. This category includes such a wide variety of products that you may want to make a list of the kitchen items you need and use the product filters on the left side of the page to browse more efficiently. This way, you'll get to see all the relevant Mainstays kitchen products in each subcategory to find the best match for your lifestyle. Mainstays Kitchen storage 9.4OZ Clear Glass Lock Lid Jar (Green, Red, Blue silicone gasket): Locking kitchen storage jar Features a glass construction with metal hardware Flexible seal provides an air-tight closure to help keep contents fresh Offers 9.4 ounces of storage space Perfect for organizing your kitchen cabinets Ideal for holding dry ingredients and dry mixes Reusable and easy to clean Pop of color around the seal makes a great accent in any kitchen Available in red, lime, and teal color options

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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